A few weeks ago, we visited Tim Curran (not Timmy!) in his Oxnard home and met his beautiful family. His son Ollie likes to fish. His daughter likes to roller skate. His wife is sweet as cake. He’s living a great life. And we had wondered what he had been up to since his once-visible profile turned a bit camouflage. Just a few years ago we were live streaming his newest album (Timmy is a multi-talented bloke) and he told us how intimidating it can be to open a set for Dave Grohl. Infinitely. Today, life is a bit quieter, but as a pioneer of aerial surfing, he’s no less focused on evolving surfing’s performance above the lip. He says it still keeps him up at night. As do his kids, we imagine. So welcome to the Curran household. And wipe your feet. It’s a nice place to be.